Events and Conferences
Book Tour “Sufi Civilities”
Multiple Places in Spring 2024, including:
Human Rights Center, Galway Ireland
University of Exeter, Exeter, UK
Leiden University, What’s New Series, The Netherlands
Muslimische (Alp)Träume - Gelebter Glaube und Spiritualität(en) in Afghanistan
Vortrag in der Begleitserie zur Ausstellung “Stuttgart Afghanistan - Verbinden, Erzählen, Begegnen'“, Linden-Museum Stuttgart, March 15, 2024
Book Talk - Sufi Civilities: Religious Authority and Political Change in Afghanistan
NIOD - Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies
February 22, 2024, 15:00-16:30 hr
Please register via:
Sufis as Civil Society? Afghanistan from the Ground Up
Afghanistan Seminar Series, Irish Centre for Human Rights, University of Galway, February 16, 2024
Burial Interrupted - Caring for the Nomadic Dead in Afghanistan
Speaker, Middle East Studies Association, Montreal, November 2-5, 2023
Sufi Civilities in War and Insecurity Talk At Goethe Institute in Exile
Talk at the Simurgh Center, Goethe Institute in Exile, Delhi, August 25, 2023
Shattered Paradigms of Civility: Islam, Sufism and what counts as Civil Society in Afghanistan
Paper in Panel “Indigenous Institutions”, Conference: Afghanistan in Stasis": On Crises and Ways Forward, SOAS University, London, December 17, 2022
Selective Disclosure, Secrecy and Trust - Relational Responsibility in Afghanistan
Paper in Panel “Negotiating Uncertainty: Unsettling the Anthropology of Religion, Ethics, and Morality”, American Anthropological Association Meeting, Seattle, November 9-13, 2022
Navigating War, Migration and the Taliban - Sufi Survival Strategies in Afghanistan
Seminar, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo
25. March 2022.
Dreams of Extended Agency - Ontological Shifts in a Sufi Order in Afghanistan
Paper in Invited Panel “Theorizing Dreaming and the Imaginary”, American Anthropological Association. 17-21.November. 2021. Baltimore, USA.
Disentangling the
‘War on Terror’
Hybrid Workshop (Washington DC&Online) bringing together scholars working on Afghanistan and Iraq, co-organized with Ping-hsiu Alice Lin, Lucile Martin and Marya Hannun.
15/16. October. 2021.
Shifting Adab - Sufi Survival Strategies in times of War and Insecurity in Afghanistan
Workshop “Religious Ethics and Plural Sites of Entanglement” at the Max Planck Institute. 22.April. 2021. Germany, online.
Mapping the Vision: Sufi Dream Guidance in Contemporary Afghanistan
Presentation at the conference “Female Visions/The Religious Visual Culture of Contemporary Female Islamic Mysticism”. Germany/Online, 16-18.October 2020.
Retrieving Nuance, Contextualizing Agency -
Women and/in Afghanistan
Panel organized together with Marya Hannun. Presentation at the Middle East Studies Association (MESA). Annual Meeting. Talk “Dissolving Difference: Contemporary Afghan Female Sufis and Religious Civil Society”. 6.October, 2020. Online.
Adaptation, Transformation and Transcendence - Sufi Communities in the Contemporary World
Panel organized with Dr. Feyza Burak Adli. Presentation at the Middle East Studies Association (MESA). Annual Meeting. Talk “The Death of the Pir and the Dream of a New Path - Contemporary Sufism in Afghanistan”. 14-16.November, 2019. New Orleans
Ethics and Safety in Field Research
Panel organized with Prof. Dr. Jennifer Brick Murtazashvili. Presentation at the Central Eurasian Studies Association. Annual Meeting. 24-28 October, 2018. Pittsburgh
Finding Their Place: Sufism in Contested Religious Discourse in Afghanistan
Presentation at the 1st International Sufi Studies Graduate Symposium. 9-11. March 2018. Istanbul